
So many plants have gone ninety in the yard and the greenhouse! I find myself on youtube or instructables looking at videos of what to do with stuff. So I’ve added a helpful gem here.

and then there is Richard. A chef in Ireland and his passions for Rhubarb.

So.. Rhubarb? I don’t even like the stuff. Corey loves pretty much anything that involves sugar, so he’ll eat it. We’ve got a huge aging bush below our window so I investigated further. It looked kind of old so I picked several stems. Turns out the leaves are poisonous!? But the stems are SUPER nutritional – full of vitamins. So I cut up the stems and froze them in chunks for smoothies. Corey makes us killer healthy smoothies every day with greens +.  After three days, it has doubled again! awesome.

Garbage dreams

This is a Youtube video clip of a cool documentary that Corey’s folks pointed out for us. We didn’t have time to watch it this wekeend. So I just researched it and the website that I found the original clip from… I had to sit through a video Ad clip ~~the Air Wick Aqua Mist spray room deoderizer ~ for that just out of nature smell. The couple found a waterfall while hiking that reminded them of their living room smell so they bought a plastic spray bottle of it.

The video looks really great.

granite bay adventures!

Beachcombing today took us up to Granite Bay on Quadra. We drove approx half an hour North on half paved ~mostly logging roads. We found some AWESOME oceanside. We explored the Walcan Fish Processing Plant and area. Then up to Granite Bay, we explored. There is a campsite, lots of wildlife – including  several really bushed cabins with full time residents… and shipwrecks. We had a picnic on adirondack chairs, in the company of a huge white goose, Canadian geese and other birdfriends. Corey did a fun dive off the government wharf  & I took a few hundred photos, as per usual. There was partial sun after that couple crazy days of storms!

I’m quite certain I’ve chosen the right guy ~ smart, adventurous, silly as all beit and we make each giggle (him) & snort (me) a LOT. We also both love dashboard hula people and times that require rubber boots.  There were several clearcuts and newly planted blocks.. BOO. Quadra is no different than other coastal rainforest logging meccas, in that there’s a buffer of lovely trees  hiding the cuts but providing excellent exploring roads. {{Corey, the Audio Visual Captain of this household – tho i am a close second.. wink* ~helped me today to understand (fingers crossed) the iMovie program and how to EXPORT and change file types so that i can post video here. Watch for SEVERAL movie uploads to come as he leaves for camp tomorrow}}.. but sadly wordpress makes you post them to iTunes first – so the site remains free.

This video was taken on the drive home, just an average view of the side of the road.                                                                         *enjoy* Happy Easter weekend.

Love the mermaid

the eagle

It’s because I’m sitting too close isn’t it?
6 sets of eagle thighs vs. one of mine. I’ve been working out but I’m pretty sure an eagle could take me out. It also occurs to me that I could have left the dead fish heads at low tide.
The tide coming in is just washing dead fish heads closer to me.
What I do to get the right shot. I’m doing my part to further domesticate the endangered balde eagle of northern coastal British Columbia. wink.
Heading into hour two of Fish Head Eagle Photo Shoot and still no fantastic shot. The wind is SE today at 40 km, they are not landing and I’m getting cold.
I want “the” shot. Not just another overdigitized, cropped in, then over digitized eagle shot, on macro with a 320mm zoom lens.
Here’s a slideshow with a few that I like. *enjoy*