found object beach art

unfinished ~foundobjectbeachart by Jen ~fall fair project 2011

“Why is this the name of your website?” Well, living on Quadra near the ocean, beachcombing is one of my fav things to do. And one of the only things to do come winter storm season. I was shocked the first summer we lived here, at how much colourful plastics littered our “david Suzuki” beaches. So.. I started picking it up. Piece by piece, my pockets and pockets of my husband were getting full. I started bringing a reusable bag on our walks. It got filled daily, during the winter months especially. I would lean over to pick up a plastic lid, a buoy, or an old, empty oil bottle that I had guessed was tossed over or wind blow off a ship at sea. YARRR ! I make stories up to myself or with husband about our best daily treasures. Even the tampons. Corey calls them “beach whistles” and uses a Russian accent to say “vat iz dis beach vistle?”. (I think from a movie?). Hygeine products and shoes are the only items that I discriminate against, all else goes in the bag. Hygiene products for obvious reasons and shoes.. well, that’s usuall just creepy finding the one flip or baby runner ~but in recent years there have been over a dozen feet / leg parts found in shoes that have washed ashore in the Vancouver region. So yeah. Of course, finding glass balls and eagles feathers are an added bonus. More posts about those items this winter! Here are a few “in the making” photos of the above project and a lighters project started:

Make Something Every Day

Port & Wine

Next time we make hootch, we’ll get the equipment and do it from home.We have been shopping for a u-brew that we like in Campbell. still no luck. This latest one didn’t even have wine tasting & cheese. Imagine. smerk*. I made it regularily on Haida Gwaii. In fact, I ruined a bathtub making my 2nd place ribbon at the Fall Fair ~ homemade blackberry wine.

We bottled a house white Gwertzraminer.  We also (and when I say “we” I mean Corey and I  went in, chose the hootch, gave the nice lady our money and I went back and bottled it this week)… WE also  made a PORT. yum Port. A  bit pricier and an extra 2 weeks to make. Ideally it requires an  extra year to age but that never happens. This special brew always gets an extra filtration before they bottle ~so post filter and pre-bottle, I add in a 250ml of Apricot Brandy! This gives it a fruit finish. This time, I added one of those AND a 250ml of Mango Brandy. The fruityness and booze level is mucho high. Drop in at the cabin for a tasting. Mi casa est su casa.

One week officially until we leave for  our wedding in Mexico!