Dear Teacher: What I Did This Summer…

The ultimate do it yourself (DIY… but with my handsome husband)!

We made a baby. We will be brewing / perfecting it til March 2013!

My sweety already gave me some great creative sewing and crafts for babies books, at xmas.

stay tuned.

38 inspiring objects
# 12 our baby!

Thus the much less frequent blogging here and on my Daily Dose of Vinyl record blog all summer.

I essentially slept all summer!~ justfortherecords BLOG click here
Make Something Every Day

Wrap me in bacon. And by that I mean ~ wrap bacon around everything*

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These were my contribution to dinner tonight. My sweets was out fishing today. So after I got more than enough sun, and by sun I mean haze and humid, not direct sun! ~I came in and prepped a side dish. He was kayak fishing on the ocean so I didn’t want to offend and make a meat dish in case the catch of the day was halibut! Bacon. Just the word posted beside the word halibut makes me want to try that now too. I used the crockpot and recipe book (wow, I’ve come so far in one year, eh?) to cut down on the fat quota but don’t worry these little bad boys were as bad for us as they were delicious. My husband was very pleased, indeed. No fish brought home, though many caught and cool go pro videos to go with them. He bbq’d ribs. oh my. Team work.

PS. on the bacon theme ~ said gorgous and sweet-toothed husband has a crush on the toffee lady at the Saturday Farmers market, here on Quadra Island. Oh yes, he does. She makes organic chocolates, truffles, toffees. Today he bought 3 bags of naughty. Bacon toffee & almond bark. He always buys the bacon toffee. Today she actually warned him to “take care of your teeth!”. Which I thought was cool. Perhaps she could give away toothbrushes too? No bacon shame.

Obama commute photograph

Today’s commute photo is of my dads cool ocean front condo. (also the tulip one downtown campbell river). In the foreground is my Obama surfer dude, car, bobble head. Yes, he does have dried gum on his head.
I was considering taking it off my dash, over his lack of enviro concern – specifically oil money and war…. But last week I was so proud of him for risking his re-election by being the first president to ever go on record in favor of gay marriage. Unless you live under a rock, you heard about this announcement. I couldn’t resist reposting the other photos! 20120514-161809.jpg



Make Something Every Day

the Honeymoon’s Over Poo

Guess what I’m making today, folks? Did the subject title give it away?

Day 3 of the wild rose herbal detox and I’m glad to not be at work today, I’ll tell you. Or maybe I won’t. Lol. Let’s just say its been very eventful since last night. I’ve done these a few times over the years (& should do them annually at spring), but it’s been a couple years of toxicin buildup this time. New packaging, same Canadian made herbal 6 pills / day formula and that tincture smell is one of a kind. If you’ve done it, you know what I’m on about.

I’ll leave you with excerpts from an Xmas book from my loving husband- who when I met~ I wouldn’t even say the word “poo”.


 Make Something Every Day  

THING A DAY DOT COM 2012.. it’s happening!

Well, as some of you amazing followers of my BLOG may recall.. last year and the year before at this time I joined the THINGADAY.COM website’s challenge to.. duh.. make a thing every day and post it on one website with thousands of other participants. It was pretty challenging and rewarding and really inspiring to see the variety of things people come up with. It’s motivating to make something every day – as my BLOG is intended to do but sometimes I get a little lazy or run out of time with work and travel etc. BUT the idea is to re-energize crafters and I’ll be there with bells on the entire month of Feb. I’ve got a pile of dog-eared craft books and jewelry magazines ready with ideas and tons in my 

So.. you can either join me by signing up yourself  thing a day dot com 2012 click here or just checking in there to see what I’ve created ~likely under the name FIREYGODDESS. It was hosted through a site called Posterous last year which was a pain in the butt because I had to double post there & on my BLOG ~ but this year it’s on WORDPRESS (which is this blog’s site). 

Make Something Every Day

johnny cash vinyl

38 Inspiring Objects

#5 of 38


I dont mean to brag or anything but I have over 14 JC albums and still hoping for more! 


If you’d like to learn more about Johnny Cash Sundays and my records please check out my new 365 project BLOG by clicking just for the records ~another 365 project BLOG

Make Something Every Day

Snapper snowflakes… for dogs

That’s right.. another excuse to make dogbones for my dog…  Xmas party season.

Last Xmas my practice co-horts raved about the dogbones I baked and gave out at potlucks. So this year when asked, it was easy to oblige, as every day with our aged pup is a chance to spoil him. He was such a big helper standing over me in the kitchen for 2 hours! Here’s something that I learned that made my life much easier. The last time I made turkey dogbones (see previous blog entries) I froze three big balls of batter in ziplocs. I simply opened the wedding freezers and found 4 balls ~2 were the snapper  and 2 were turkey. I thawed, rolled, cookie cut & baked them up in no time. The snapper recipe was a little lack luster so I added peanut butter and garlic salt. Sounds gross but dogs love the ingredients.   

This year I went the silly extra step of putting them in little santa bags with bows. And yes, Amos taste tested each batch and got all the ends, saved in a jar on the counter (which already requires refilling).

Happy Christmas to the mutts that make us so happy all year. 

Make Something Every Day

Deck the Balls with Peanut Butter


20111203-094607.jpg As a kid, my mom used make loads of Xmas goodies. Possibly my fav was Peanut Butter Balls. She even mailed them to University or they were frozen waiting for my visits. These gooey, crispy, balls of joy are a non-bake, coconut coated, idiot proof recipe ~ that as long as I stay away from the chili powder & hot sauce… I’ll ace. So today, I honoured my mom, by using her recipe properly & made 4 batches of kick ass balls, for dessert, Xmas parties & freezing. The last batch I DID alter, by adding nutella. My husband was a “big helper” on the ball making committee. Did that come out wrong? Lol!
What’s your fav Christmas family goodie or memory? Tell us in the comment section! Happy almost holidays.
Make Something Every Day

Return of the Thai Smoked Salmon tart!!!


I love it when I make something so good that it’s requested again & actually turns out JUST as good! Yesterday’s Thai Smoked Salmon Tarts rocked! See recipe below & awesome cookbook ( hi AREN! ) corey made the crust because he’s hip that way. We froze a few. We devoured the rest with awesome company that were stranded after their hunting trip ~on our island because no ferries ran, in the horrific weather. And yes Dad, we saved you two.. Or one.



Make Something Every Day

Foo’s Ho Ho & the East Side Cultural Crawl

I thought I’d share some recent art & food inspirations from our recent tourist mini-vaca to Vancouver. The annual Vancouver east side art crawl 2011 was on and we happened by a venue during our Chinatown afternoon.  click here for What is the cultural crawl?  You may have a BLOG post by me 2 months ago when I got my first wood burner. I’ve had a couple unsuccessful projects ie. pumpkins ~so I was awe-struck when at the top of the giant stairwell, in ghetto parts of chinatown, we saw this guy’s studio and show. Bradley Messer is his name and here’s 2 pieces of work. click here for Bradley’s website & a video of his wood process



Foo’s ho ho. The oldest restaurant in Vancouver. My review? A  fleet of hilarious kind-but-curt characters make up the staff. 80’s classic chinese decor with duct tape holding the brown air conditioner onto the wall. We ordered the famous stuffed chicken which was too huge for 2 and too greasey to eat more than a plate of (but super fun). click here for restaurant website     

I took these photos the same day. The bottom one is one of my husband’s father’s fav buildings in Vancouver. Short version of the story: Way back when, after the swampland in Van was sold to a bunch of Chinese people, it was eventually bought back. A fellow ended up with a Lot that was only 6 feet deep and I think 50 feet long. That’s 6 feet from the curb. He built this building, which has taken many forms over the years. If you look closely, you can see how thin it is. Currently, it’s an insurance agency. Look at the scale of the sandwich board out front to the width of the building. cool.  I snapped the photo as we were driving home, thinking about my father-in-laws passion for architecture.




20111122-114928.jpg Make Something Every Day

Trick or treat

20111031-214339.jpg Yum! Pumpkin seeds were roasted then broiled tonight with butter and seasoning salt. As if we were hungry after a day of cooking Thanksgiving #2!? C & I whipped up a turkey, apple & cashew stuffing and mashed potatoes, between shifts of Maple leaf raking (uggggg) & bonfiring them.
We didn’t get a single trick or treater but we were prepared with candy, rented a horror movie, had a huge fire & set up our carvings at the end of the long rural drive way. Yeah us.


make something every day

I had a nice poop

cool bathroom photo, heh?

I’m embracing poop talk, living with a man.

A wonderful man, who feels free to discuss his movements and encourages me to discuss mine.. ugg.

So we moved into the cabin (still on Qaudra, about 5 minutes up the beach). Lots of love required but it’s becoming a snuggly nice place to live. First was the ripping out of carpet in the bedroom AND bathroom. That’s right people.. carpet in a 70s wood cabin bathroom. So the second Corey left for camp.. you imagine correctly that this is what I ripped out…

Bye Bye mouse Poo and revolting carpet. Man, carpet nails and such are a  b*tch to get out. So glad my  fake floozy nails are gone.

Then came drying the floor boarding, sanding it, mopping it and painting it (with one of the MANY cans of green ash ~puke~ paint that i found in the woodshed). Reno cost? zero.

and while we develop rapport with our lovely, elderly, slow to make changes land lords.. we will settle for this..



The inspiration book

Today’s posting is brought to you from the car deck of the ferry. Sunny & gorgeous day to head to Courtenay for 2 work going away lunches. Nudge- which means more room for clients in my practice.

This inspiration book is a HUGE older journal that I’ve used for 10 years +. Its super heavy. Kitten is in the photo for scaling purposes but comes free with art purchase. I cut n paste mag / book / art card images and print colour photos from a huge folder of online art thumbnails that I collect over time. Sketches & ideas for projects!
(update on wordpress iPhone app= great, other than no edit photo option to rotate! Or I haven’t found it).


VLOG from the spring… remixed.

I’d like to say that I’m one of those “creative people that BLOG or VLOG every day, as a form of their disciplined art process”.. but I’m just not. My attention span is way too short. If the sun is shining, I am outside. If my man is home, I am.. gardening. winks*. So a rash of posts come your way today, enjoy*


An earlier version aired on youtube in May. This sunny day, gave me the chance to edit most of my squealing out and bad hair.

I’m considering doing more VLOGs.. from all around Quadra. What do you think?

I’ve also recently figured out that when we search for things, say on GOOGLE or in the SEARCH window of websites such YOUtube or …. the words we use are actually called “tags” (lesson for dad).  So tracking my BLOG statistics,  I get more hits if I post common or porno ish tags. I had more than a hundred hits yesterday and 4 comments (thanks Dad & Kate). So I am doing a test of sorts for the next couple months. I’m going to randomly use TAG words & see what happens. Or posting half nudes seems to draw a crowd. Have I just cracked the code regarding  the birth of internet pornogrpahy? laughing.

Exciting stuff. I need more work. But I’m writing this off as a creative outlet for today.

enjoy my technology stumblings.


heart, me.

((Kate- is it EVERYDAY or EVERY DAY ?) lol.